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The complex has three lakes that that are entirely in public ownership or in partial public ownership.  The plans are to improve and preserve existing water quality and vital habitat in the lakes complex.  There will be a network of trails that connect the lakes to the Green River Gorge Greenway.

Additionally MGRC and King County have embarked on a comprehensive program to restore the habitat of the area through site planning, removal of invasive species, and replanting with native plants.

This land protects an important sub watershed of lakes, Cristi Creek, and wetlands that feed the Green River. The complex connects to the larger Green River Gorge Mountains to Valley Greenway.

Beaver Lake

Beaver Lake is between Dandy and Bass located off the north side of Southeast 380th Street. The lake has an impressive beaver habitat and an array of bird and frog species.

Dandy Lake

Dandy Lake has a surrounding 40-acre forested area. In 2012, King County acquired 1 acre to restore the habitat, and improve the existing trail around the lake. 

Additionally a 5-acre parcel was acquired to the northwest of the 40 acres that would allow for a community trailhead connecting the lake to other trails to the Green River Gorge.

Bass Lake

The county acquired 164 acres around Bass Lake. Future projects include removal of invasive species, replanting with native plants, and creating a trail that connects the lake with other existing and future trails.


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